My things are dissapearing and im starting to lose my mind because of it

When i was going to sleep one of my nails fell off . I was in my bed at The moment so i started looking for it , but after 10 minutes i started to lose my mind . I aggresively threw everything out of my bed , i was searching for the nail EVERYWHERE -under the bed , all the places around where it fell, that lasted like an hour - still didnt find it , i feel so uncomfortable and weird . I started crying and talking to myself and i felt like a psycho (im not ofc ) but it felt so anxious. Its not about the nail itself , but that happened to me at least 3 times with different things and im starting to lose my mind because my things are literally dissapearing and im 100% sure they just dissapeared. (btw i was doing the nails today for 6 ho urs so it was even more upsetting.)