Medicaid stigma
For some reason I’m really struggling with the fact that my family has Medicaid. I got done my job 5 years ago to be a SAHM. My husband is self employed so we opted for a decent plan on the marketplace because we knew we wanted to have another baby. Well we get pregnant and boom. Covid. My husband starts losing work. Someone mentions the state healthcare for kids and so I apply to see if my first can be covered to help lower some expenses for us. Well we all end up qualifying because my pregnancy turned us into a family of four and our income was lower because of Covid. My husband felt embarrassed to be on the state healthcare and I was kind of just thankful because it was one less bill at this scary and difficult time. Well Covid is over and the income guidelines and program changes so that we don’t qualify but our kids still do because the income guidelines for kids to qualify is 300% above the poverty level. As a family of four we’d have to make $94k after taxes and write offs for our kids not to qualify. That’s a large income in our low cost of living area so we definitely are well below that. Well I stupidly admitted we had Medicaid during Covid to a few people and I know how judgy that group can be so I’m riddled with anxiety about being judged that our kids get state healthcare while I choose to stay home (this will be my last year). I hate that there’s such a stigma against getting this healthcare. Does anyone else worry about judgement?