Dumb girl here… afraid I might be getting taken advantage of? 2019 Mazda 3
Hey everyone, my Mazdas recently had its AC stop working. I was under the impression it was a Freon issue... upon taking it to the dealership, it was $650 charge to order an extremely rare part from Japan - an A/C expansion valve ($400 for the part, $250 for labor). This felt steep, but I didn't question.
I just got this video from the dealership replacing the valve, but now they're saying it's a mechanical issue inside the compressor which will run me $1150 to fix for the part + labor.
This video sounds like a bunch of jargon to me, and i'm really nervous to be getting taken advantage of by the dealership. I don't know much about cars.. and don't have any one I can ask.
Can anyone here give this video a watch and provide any advice? If I have to pay the $1150 l will... but I want to make sure it's the right move. Thank you so much in advance.
(This is a repost due to accidentally using a non-PC term. If you responded to the original post, I saw all the comments already! Thank yall so much!!)