Whats your opinion on asking the woman’s father/parents for permission to marry them?

Personally I think it’s ridiculous in modern times. I feel if I have been dating a woman for a few years and the relationship is great, we love each other, similar future goals, the parents like the person their kid is dating, then what’s the point of this extra task?

What are y’all thoughts? Women feel free to chime in too.

Edit: i now have a second question, it may seem dumb but when you’re a curious individual there are no dumb questions. For the women, are you asking the guys parents for their permission too?

Final Edit: 1) I need to find a new word other than “Blessing” cause for this circumstance I can not differentiate it from Permission

2) Thank you for all your thoughts, statements, and stories but I still disagree with half of you and hey, that’s alright. Good luck to you all