I love my wife
For nearly 16 years now, she has stood by my side. She never gave up on me, even when I wanted to give up on me. We originally met in high school (58) now. I dated her best friend in high school, she was that cool chick you could talk about anything with. Fast forward to our 25th reunion. When I saw her for the first time in 25 years, I had no idea she was the part of my soul that I was missing. I’m an addict and this woman believed in me, she would say to me, “ I know you James, and this isn’t you, it’s the drugs. She eventually had had enough and we separated. This was the kick in the ass I needed. For the next 6 months, I worked my ass off to show her, I wanted her and not drugs. That was almost 9 years ago, today we are over the top in love with each other. I smile every morning when I wake up and see her next to me. THANK YOU SUSAN, I owe you my life. Signed: Your forever man