I need help confronting my husband.

Last week a letter came in the mail that was addressed to both of us. My husband was the one who ended up opening it, and it was a speeding ticket from one of those radar cameras.

He read the letter over and then folded it back up and started immediately mocking me saying “you got a speeding ticket.” I had a friend over, so I just said “oh, did I?” and tried to like, let it drop because I was obviously feeling embarrassed. But then he went into the details of where I was speeding, and then he started saying things like “don’t worry, I love you, so I’ll pay it for you.” Then he even tried to pull me aside quietly afterward and saying things like “Hey, since I’m paying for your speeding ticket, maybe you could pay me back a little later” or “maybe you could do a little something for me.”

Even after my friend left, and over the next few days he’s been making comments as if he’s doing something heroic for me, and how I should be indebted to him. I know where the speed cameras are in town, and normally I don’t speed but I know I know I’m extra careful around the cameras, while he’s usually the one who speeds and is a lot less of a careful driver. So he’s been teasing about me also being a bad driver now, and generally making me feel bad about the whole thing.

Well today while tidying I found the letter, and when reading it, it was VERY obvious that he was the one driving. The date and time is clearly bolded, and we were on our way to a very important function, and he always drives when we’re together, so it’s very obvious it was him.

So he lied about it being me, mocked me for it, make me feel bad, made himself seem like the hero, and used it to try and manipulate me. How do I confront him in a way that he can’t play it off like he was just playing and using it to flirt? This whole thing was very hurtful and he often ignores my feeling when I try to express them. What would you call this type of manipulation?

Any advice is appreciated.