Didn't hide my scars!

I went to a party at my friend's house and wore short sleeves! I worked to hard this week to not cut my arm so it would be clearish for the party. (My legs another matter buts it's not too bad) I actually feel kinda proud. I did get a little tipsy and very high on suger tho. I sorta dumped a bit of emotional trauma on my friend tho. She was piss drunk tho so I doubt she'll remind much. I kinda let a bit slip to my other friends tho which I'm a bit worried about but part of me thinks that maybe I won't have to hide it from them anymore. Oh and I jokingly tied a noose out of my shoe lace and put it around my neck, then a kid tried to pull it which, now I think about it, could've gone very wrong. Anywaysss, I relapsed but I was 1 day and 1 hour clean which is good for me. I'm gonna aim for an hour longer next time.