Starting here a crusade of bad reviews.

I don’t go to cruises that often but I’ve been to a few. I’ve sailed with all the major companies, always around the Caribbean. MSC is by far the worst I’ve ever been, Maraviglia was the ship and I can’t recommend it at all. -The check in process was a terrible as with any other cruise company, except for the fact that MSC employees seem to have a fetish with screaming at people to make them crush while in line. At my age I don’t appreciate being screamed at. -The room is standard. But the bathroom smells like pond water, always. It comes from the shower drain and it’s constant. The toilet overflowed every night. Water accumulates to the point in which the waves makes the toilet spill water… you can flush (you’ll have to do it twice), but the water will come up again after a few mins. -The food is terrible in the buffet. Now, I gotta give credit for the restaurant, the food was great there. -I believe the crew for these ships is close to 1000 people. Only 5 of them smiled without trying to sell you something, the rest are indifferent if you are lucky, or even get annoyed or are straight forward rude if you dare to ask them something. -At one point I had 4 crew members around me at the same time at breakfast… one taking the food order, the other asking if I wanted and how I wanted my coffee, the 3rd one asking about drinks for the kids and lastly a guy on a rush with a plate of croissant wanting me to decide for myself and my 3 kids… no, you can’t decide 4 things at the same time at 8 am, believe me. -If you have kids under 7, run. The food is not kids friendly. The pools are unsafe and people get annoyed if you have kids there… and both main pool are full of kids, that’s because the actual kids pool was designed by the guy who was involved on the costume design for Edward Scissorhands. It’s sharp, it’s slippery, it’s complicated and it’s on the fucking 19th floor. So the ship rocks and the kids swing from one side to the other with a violence and speed that no sane human can tolerate. You Can’t leave your kid there … which also opens the talk with your kids about how shitty you are as a father that won’t allow them to play there. -Smoking area is basically half the ship. I don’t appreciate that even when I smoke casually myself. -One of my kids had a mild flu like virus. The doctors were amazing… it costed $115 cause they don’t take the travel Insurance that they sell you when you buy your ticket, but whatever. The doc said to give my kid Gatorade. They only sale Gatorade at the bar right next to the smoking section, and it’s open from 6pm to 8pm. I got there at 8:05pm, they lied saying they didn’t have anymore… and I had to get it the next day. The predisposition to help is as low and as shitty as you can imagine. -No ice, all machines are broken. Only 2 drinking stations for the whole ship… usually one is broken so you have big lines on the one that’s open. -Breakfast for kids has cereal, the milk is 30 feet away. The spoons are 60 steps away, but that’s usually not an issue since most times there are no clean plates or bowls. I could keep going. The ship is old, everything that had to be fix looks cheap and smells funky, it’s definitely not worth the money. -Lastly… the shows.. omfg, out of tune, boring, shitty singers, shitty music, like… you try so scape when they start cause you feel ashamed me of standing close and people thinking you actually like them. And they supposedly have two great shows at the level of a Las Vegas performance… you have to pay extra for them. If you came and you enjoyed it, good for you. I am just trying to warn people… there are better options. Have a safe trip!