I have decided to....

Wow my heart goes out to Awinha and all she's been through. I'm glad she has decided that this relationship with Adrian is to toxic. What's worse is when they met up for family lunch, Adrians sisters all ganged up on her. She was trying to explain but they just shut her down everytime.

Then that redhead sister making the statement about what type of mother she was. What a low blow. I'm glad Awinhas sister was there for support.

Even after Adrian and his sister left the lunch, all they did was badmouth Awinha . What an aggressive family. What kind of man doesn't ask his partner about her son, and them he blamed it on Awinha for saying she didn't want to talk about.

While Awinha was so upset after the lunch she still didn't even say anything bad about Adrian. Shows true character. I really hope Awinha finds someone great she so deserves it and so does her son.

Wow my heart goes out to Awinha and all she's been through. I'm glad she has decided that this relationship with Adrian is to toxic. What's worse is when they met up for family lunch, Adrians sisters all ganged up on her. She was trying to explain but they just shut her down everytime.

Then that redhead sister making the statement about what type of mother she was. What a low blow. I'm glad Awinhas sister was there for support.

Even after Adrian and his sister left the lunch, all they did was badmouth Awinha . What an aggressive family. What kind of man doesn't ask his partner about her son, and them he blamed it on Awinha for saying she didn't want to talk about.

While Awinha was so upset after the lunch she still didn't even say anything bad about Adrian. Shows true character. I really hope Awinha finds someone great she so deserves it and so does her son.