Help! You all might be my only friends.

So no one around me knows or cares at all even what the term LLM means. I’m actually afraid for society a little bit. I feel pretty closed off and alone. I really appreciate this community, the openness and the sharing. It’s great. I think the people here are working toward actual future systems and not solely a cash grab. I’m not saying don’t ever have fun or anything but I am not spending my life trying to drink champagne and look cool. My goal, as I’ve gotten older, is knowledge. I obviously need money to survive, but it is not my driving factor in life. I say this because I don’t think I’m better than anyone, just stating what I specifically am about. I am saying this because I am looking for friends and partners for projects and to just talk about life. People here share my own interests, and we may have differing opinions but share similar ideas and generally understand what's going on. I’ve never been great at making friends. Something I found out about myself finally getting involved in social media later in life is I am not good at being fake, or doing the youtube video voice, you know what i mean… lol. 

I’m gonna go ahead and say. I’m not a super genius. I can’t do it all by myself. I think if some of us got organized and put our collective heads together, we could do something great. 

If the point of this is human connection.. I am not being successful. Another thing I have failed at. And I’m not saying “look at me!!” I’m saying there have to be other people like me. I’m not special here. I’m saying, we don’t have to feel like this. Holler at ya boy if you are lonely as shit too.