Has your house ever been broken into?

Came home two nights ago to find my front door open (I left it unlocked like an idiot), a few unimportant things missing and my lights turned on and end table near my bed tossed on it's side/drawers open.

I believe these folks may have been in my house when I pulled up, because so little was taken and destroyed.

But it's sent a huge chill of fear in me, to the point I'm letting my landlord know when I get home at night (he lives down the hill). Knowing strangers were in my home, who certainly would mean me harm if I was there, has taken a toll.

How do y'all cope with this kind of thing, for those of you who this has happened to? Do you now have protection? Do you check in with folks? Alarm systems?

Any and all feedback is appreciated. Thank you all!!