how do I get him out of my MIND

I broke up with my narc 4 months ago, 3 months no contact. He’s blocked on everything and lives in another country. I processed things pretty hard for the first two months post breakup, which was super hard, but since then have been feeling very neutral about it all, and I’m doing really well. I don’t have anything I want to say to him or anything I want to hear. I don’t think about the bad times or the good times.

HOWEVER, it feels like he’s a surveillance camera in the corner of my mind, or something in the back of my fridge that I always see but never reach for, a shirt in the closet that don’t fit. And I just.. WANT HIM OUT. Of my mind. The whole relationship was mind games and here I am still feeling like he’s in there even after all the work I did/am doing. Have yall experienced a similar process? Any helpful advice in fully getting them outta there?