Passed 4th time - keep trying

First time I failed with 4 serious faults

Second time I failed with 1 serious (last few minutes) and 2 minors

Third time I failed with 1 serious (last minute) and 1 minor

This time I passed with 1 minor (hit the curb last few minutes while parking)

Keep trying and learning, and you will pass, never doubt it!

Thanks to this reddit for the motivation!

First time I failed with 4 serious faults

Second time I failed with 1 serious (last few minutes) and 2 minors

Third time I failed with 1 serious (last minute) and 1 minor

This time I passed with 1 minor (hit the curb last few minutes while parking)

Keep trying and learning, and you will pass, never doubt it!

Thanks to this reddit for the motivation!