Runner delivered wrong salad to our table. Server brought it to correct table
Hi! I am not sure if I am allowed to post here, but I recently went to a restaurant where we were delivered the wrong salad. We asked if it was the Caesar because it looked like a different salad on their menu. The runner said yes and left. Since restaurants aren't supposed to serve it to a different table, my friend took a piece of the avocado even though we were pretty sure it was not our salad. After several minutes we were finally able to flag down our waitress and confirm. We saw her drop the plate of food on the pass. It sat on the counter for a while and we saw someone add a piece of cheese to the salad. A runner grabbed the salad and was delivered to another table a few minutes later.
Is there anything my friend or I should do? Or should we just ignore it? It definitely grossed us out and we were happy to have a clear view of the pass after that.