How long do the bikes last?

Hi everyone,

Riding an ER6N 2013 model, until recently never had a problem with it.

Over the past year I have been fixing problems regularly, due to:

- Engine oil leaking (twice, once on right and once on left side)

- Rear suspension (replaced)

- Front suspension (had to change the inside rubber part)

Now it seems fine, but suddenly the top of the engine seems leaking… not sure but will get it checked.

While talking to someone who is familiar with bikes today he mentioned that this means that slowly but surely, I am going just going to keep having problems.

Some of these problems might be expensive, when it’s related to something inside the engine, at which point the cost is high and even fixing it won’t be as good as new (because the new engine is done using a machine, fixing it is in person)

How is your experience with older bikes? how long do they last? is it worth it to continue fixing or better get a new bike?

Thank you