Crybabies beg NFL to make rules stopping Mahomes because they can’t do it on their own

All over the internet, you’ll find a bunch of presumably grown men literally begging the NFL to come up with new rules to make Mahomes less effective.

But here’s the thing. Short of maybe banning the forward pass, you could change every rule you want, and Mahomes is still gonna beat you. He knows the rules better than anyone in the league. He sees everything. He knows what the defender is going to do before even the defender knows.

Remember when the NFL finally changed playoff overtime rules because they benefited the Chiefs that one time? Mahomes took the new rules and used them to his advantage to win his third Super Bowl.

This is like when Wilt Chamberlain was so dominant that the NBA changed a bunch of rules to give other players a fighting chance.

And we’re lucky enough to witness it.
