I've accepted that fans of these two will just never find peace

As a Nobara fan I know that all too well. And I definitely feel for every Megumi fan out there

For us Nobara fans we spent literal years in pure copium. Hoping that she'd be alive and return. And guess what we got our wish. BUT it happened in a less than ideal way. The result? Everyone hating Nobara and calling Bumbara and her an absolutely horrible character with no good writing

And as for Megumi fans they had similar levels of copium. Copium that he'd lock in. That he'd do something big and help beat Sukuna if not defeat him on his own. And unlike the Nobara fans no one really called that copium at the time cause it was pretty much obvious to me and basically everyone else that Megumi was gonna be useful. But he wasn't. Just when it seemed like he'd do it Nobara's return happened. And that's my main issue with it. That it basically rendered Megumi into a plot device. Megumi did almost nothing in the final battle expect that puddle thing. And Megumi gets slandered more on top of the insane amount of slander he was receiving already

So Nobara fans will never find peace because she came back way too late and Megumi fans will never find peace because he did almost nothing in the final battle and was more or less a plot device

I should have never been a Nobara fan. Why didn't I stay a Maki fan?(nah I'm glad I'm not a Maki fan)