Haggadot Recommendations

Each year for Pesach I've searched online for different freely available, "thematic" haggadot for Passover. We've done seders for environmental justice, labor rights, all kinds of subject matter. I enjoy the variety, but I'm also interested in the idea of "settling down" with a Haggadah that I can come back to year after year as a tradition.

Are there any haggadot, modern or traditional, that you really like? Either because they are beautiful, or more insightful, or practical?

I do have the Pillar of Fire anti-zionist Haggadah which is beautiful but am looking for suggestions that might allow the seder to delve into a variety of different subjects surrounding justice, liberation, and activism. Particularly in such a time where a myriad of issues are likely to be relevant come the month of Nisan.

I was looking at Manishtana's Rishoni Illuminated Legacy Haggadah but wanted to know if others have suggestions.