And her new friends!! This is so cute whaaat!
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And her new friends!! This is so cute whaaat!
{"account": null, "authorFlair": {"t5_34e0ua": {"Papuchita_": null, "amoondoll": null, "Bubbly-Island-7898": null, "Feeling_Bedroom_9558": null, "[deleted]": null, "therealayylmao": null, "kmichelle85": null, "Beneficial_Speaker_9": null, "After-Talk-9843": null, "taysmoke420": null}}, "commentLists": {"t3_1hsrvrt": {"head": {"id": "t1_m58ogzr", "type": "comment"}, "tail": {"id": "t1_m5a9iwr", "type": "comment"}}}, "comments": {"t1_m58ogzr": {"author": "Papuchita_", "authorId": "t2_1gedzptb1v", "collapsed": false, "collapsedReason": null, "collapsedBecauseCrowdControl": null, "collapsedReasonCode": null, "created": 1735936328.0, "depth": 0, "deletedBy": null, "distinguishType": null, "editedAt": null, "gildings": null, "goldCount": 0, "id": "t1_m58ogzr", "isAdmin": false, "isDeleted": false, "isGildable": false, "isLocked": false, "isMod": false, "isOp": false, "isSaved": false, "isStickied": false, "isScoreHidden": false, "next": {"id": "t1_m57rst6", "type": "comment"}, "parentId": null, "permalink": "/r/Jellycatplush/comments/1hsrvrt/omg_cheryl/m58ogzr/", "prev": null, "postAuthor": null, "postId": "t3_1hsrvrt", "postTitle": null, "score": 7, "sendReplies": true, "subredditId": "t5_34e0ua", "voteState": 0, "bodyMD": "Oh I want the cake so bad but I am in the states \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d", "body": "
Oh I want the cake so bad but I am in the states \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d
\nI love the teapot!
\nDo you think the cake will become a normal release like the selfridge pink coffee bag?
\nI really hope so but i doubt:(
\nThank you so much for your gracious offer and I apologize for the late reply! \ud83d\ude4f However, before your message someone else has kindly helped me. I hope you\u2019re able to get everything you wanted (both Jellycat and non-jellycat) and have a wonderful stay!!\u263a\ufe0f
\nI need Seb teacup!! That\u2019s my son\u2019s name
\nStopppp. Messaging now!
\nMessaging you!\ud83d\ude2d
\ni need the teapot to go with my tea pot collection!!
\nAnd her new friends!! This is so cute whaaat!
And her new friends!! This is so cute whaaat!
And her new friends!! This is so cute whaaat!