
The absolute rage I am feeling finding out that while I was using the bathroom at my mother in laws home, she was kissing my fresh out of hospital, 2 day old baby. We are going to her house next week (an hour away) as that's where the hospital I had baby is and I need to pick up medications. Partner wants to visit, should I address this with his mother? I don't want my babys health on the line because some dork wants to kiss her. Heck, she's my baby and even I haven't kissed her. Partner begged me to let his mother hold baby. Gave an inch and she took a mile.

**Thank you so much for the advice. I had a good talk to my partner and made it clear where I stand and that what little trust I had with his mum is completely broken. We won't be visiting this week and I get the final say on who's allowed to hold baby. It showed on our news yesterday that a baby had passed from whopping cough, I showed this to him. I also told him about all the other things our little girl could catch. His mother has weekly hospital visits for her heart, so I stressed to him while she might not be sick, she's going to the hospital around sick people. I had to crush it now, I literally lost sleep over how angry I was. I will also be telling his mother (when we eventually see her) why we didn't visit and why she can't hold her. I will give my baby all the loving I want now, I had no idea about the extra benefits of breastfeeding and now after speaking to my midwife about some of the awesome advice on here, she said that it's completely safe to love on my baby so next feed, I'll give her all the kisses I want ❤️

Thanks everyone for making my feelings valid!