My Story
I found out recently my fiancé was cheating on me for 2 years with multiple escorts. Completely blindsided as this guy always was so loving and caring torwards me and literally treated me like a queen…
I am having major trouble sleeping. Anytime I close my eyes my mind wanders and visualizes the events, like I’m just in the background watching everything. Then I jolt up in a sweat and am shaking with anxiety. I feel sick to my stomach and have lost 10lb and I was already skinny.
We originally were gonna do couples counseling when I found out that he had seen one escort. He lied and said it was a one time mistake. Well then I found out through bank statements it was not a one off and something he has been carefully hiding for 2 years with multiple. Lucky I found what I did because he said he was planning on deleting the evidence..
This guy would constantly tell me how beautiful I was, how he would never do anything to hurt me, asked my dad to marry me, took me on lovely vacations, our relationship was a dream. And did all this while seeing the escorts on the side. The tip of the iceberg, when I started to notice something was off, was him constantly falling asleep in the middle of the day. I was worried but ended up he was hiding an addiction to vaping and weed. This bothered me, but absolutely was never a deal breaker. That was just the first sign of addiction I guess.
The deal breaker is the hiding having sex for 2 years with random escorts. Having a burner phone to keep track of everything. Lying to my face every single day for 2 years! He would see them while he was suppose to be at work and then come home to me and just casually go on about his day, reassuring me that I make him so happy.
I don’t understand what kind of person does this? He’s remorseful and I feel guilty for his pain because I love him, but had to tell him to move out and fix himself. I’m so traumatized from this and don’t see how to ever trust again. If you made it this far thanks for letting me vent.