What does the Telegram CEO's arrest mean for the future of the app in India? Is it going to get banned?


The Telegram CEO got arrested and now everyone’s talking about a Telegram ban in India. Like, is this real? Are we about to lose Telegram for good?

The app has over 700 million active users globally with a significant user base of 104M users in India.

So, here’s what I’ve gathered from all the Telegram news out there. Apparently, Pavel Durov, the Telegram CEO, is in trouble because the app has become some sort of playground for scammers and fraudsters. Some users also access pirated content like Telegram movie downloads, making it a controversial platform. He also “failed to comply with government regulations” but I don't fully know what that entails. It’s making me wonder about how the app is handling data and privacy—especially when you hear about frauds, exam leaks, movie links, and even the infamous Telegram satta groups.

If this Telegram ban actually happens, it’s gonna suck big time, especially for people who use Telegram for work or legit communication. I use both Telegram web and Telegram desktop.

Honestly, if you ask me, it feels like déjà vu. Remember when TikTok got banned. Are we heading that way with Telegram now? And if so, why isn't the there more clarity around the government's plans?

I’m seeing more and more talk about Telegram shutting down. So, what’s everyone’s take? Should we start looking for alternatives or am I being paranoid? Is there some other app like Signal we should be jumping to or is Reddit safer?