Remember that job hunting tool I shared yesterday? Your feedback changed everything.

Hey everyone! 👋

24 hours ago, I nervously shared a tool I built to make job hunting less painful. Your response? Absolutely overwhelming. But what touched me most weren't just the upvotes - it was the comments. Real people sharing real struggles, suggesting features, pointing out what could be better.[here]

You spoke, I listened, and I couldn't sleep until I implemented what you asked for:

✨ What's New (Because You Asked):

- "Can we search for specific roles?" - Added a search bar that actually works

- "Too many posts to scroll through" - Added pagination (no more endless scrolling!)

- "Need more Bangalore/NCR jobs" - Added more tech hub opportunities

But here's what really made my day - few people from this sub DMed me saying they found relevant posts That's exactly why I built this in the first place.

To the person who commented "Please add search functionality" - you were so right. It's like a whole new tool now.

To everyone who sent encouraging DMs - you're the reason I stayed up coding these features.

And to those who are still in the job hunt trenches - I hope these updates make your search a little easier.

Live at:

P.S. Still no ads, no signups, no BS. Just a tool getting better because of this amazing community. 🙏