Thinking about job hopping after just 4 weeks.
So, I resigned from my job as a Break/Fix Datacenter Tech last month to work in the NOC at a local ISP. I was super excited to get this job as I figured it would be a great thing to have on my resume and help me advance in my career pretty quickly, but this new job is 3rd shift from 11pm to 8am. I might have misjudged how bad this would affect my time with my family and I'm thinking about just applying at a local MSP for a regular schedule and I hear they're the best place to learn and upskill.
My main question is do I list this current NOC job on the resume or leave it off? Do I just explain the shift wasn't working for me? I was trying to tell myself to just put up with it for at least 6 months but I don't know if I'm gonna be able to.
I was at the Datacenter as break/fix for a year and have about 6 months in cabling before that in another DC roll. Before that I had 9 years at FedEx but I'm starting to worry these short stints in IT rolls are gonna start looking bad.