My name is John,and I’m a speed addict…
It all started with rogue and aote swords.I loved being able to go fast and feel that rush.Id always try and stack them so I could feel like the flash even for just a few seconds.
It stayed like that for a while,unit I eventually learned about Young Dragon armour.When I made it light I could get +100 speed forever,sure the rest of it kinda sucked and was a downgrade from everything else but it was worth it to feel that rush again,but constant and stronger.
I wasn’t satisfied though,I wanted more and that’s when I discovered god pots.I took one swig as a one time thing and that’s when the addiction hit a high.I wasn’t even at crimson isle and I could get around at subsonic speeds while walking!But then my greatest enemy appeared,speed cap.
I was stuck,there was only one way around it and that was the racing helmet.But buying all those god pots meant I had no money and (because my armour was shit) no way to progress.So I put my house up for a second mortgage and brought it using SkyBlock gems.Everything was good…Until disaster struck and i dropped it into the void.
Now I’m back to square one and my movements feel slow and sluggish…I miss the highs and because I’m too lazy to grind for anything I now have an inventory full of obsidian and an even more shit chest plate