Help a clueless mom
My son is 8…playing 8U ball. No bat requirement although the same league major division does require USA. He is small 4ft and 54lbs. He WANTS the Victus pencil bat. Nowhere around here to test one out.
That being said I took him to the store to try different ones to determine size. Based on his stats, online charts say he needs a 27. But when we do the bat holding test with the arms out/arms forward thing…even the 26 is big for him. So needless to say I am completely confused at this point.
I have read many posts and they all say “let him try them out” but he and I literally have no idea what we are doing. Every bat he holds he says is “fine”. He used a 26 in the fall (a teammates) and did good with that. He needs his own for spring for sure. I just can’t decide if it’s time for us to move up to a 27 or stick with the 26. What size advice do you have for me for a kid that just wants the dang pencil bat and likes to have fun!? Obviously he wants to hit the ball but it’s mostly just being with his friends for now that matters…and the pencil. If you’ve read this far, thank you! I’m clueless.