I was threatened at work by some customers.
I was doing pack down, coming off a ladder and guy blocked the ladder to where I couldn't come off the ladder. I said excuse me. I put the box I was working on down to cut it open. asked if they needed any help. guy said a smart ass comment, about "oh you can speak now?" I ignored it. his girlfriend got confrontational with me about I worked for her and "are we Going to have a problem?" there was 4 or 5 of them, they blocked me in so they could read my apron. ran straight to management. bum rushed her.
please tell me why management scolded me. and told me I didn't follow protocol. because I tried to dial her instead of just walkie her.
asked if I knew them. said they'd "investigate". made me feel like I was in the wrong and I was the worst person in the world for "horrible customer service ". Because they acted like I instigated it. and management believed it.
someone at the service desk over heard them telling the manager I was going to get what I deserve.
I had to have a co worker walk me to my car.