My boyfriend gave me herpes

I (F25) contracted herpes from my boyfriend (M26) Let me start this by saying this man is absolutely amazing, I’m 100% convinced he’s the man I’m going to marry, he is so sweet and kind and thoughtful. Early in our relationship when we both realized we were getting serious he told me that he had HSV2. I personally am already super educated on the topic due to have two close friends who contracted herpes from two different guys who didn’t disclose it with them knowingly. So when he told me I was very open minded about. I asked all the questions, when was he diagnosed? (Before middle school) when is the last time he had a break out? (4 months ago) and he currently is not on antivirals but was going to because I said it made me more comfortable. Due to it being so long from his last outbreak and him not having symptoms I was comfortable having protected sex. A few days ago I thought I had an ingrown hair on my labia but the next day it developed into an ulcer that was very uncomfortable, lymph nodes on that side of my groin started to swell, I had cramping, and body aches. I have an appointment to go get tested. But if there was anything you could tell someone when they first got results what would it be? I don’t really know how to feel right now, I knew it was a risk I took, but I was taking all precautions. I think having friends who have went through this kind of helped with the shock factor. But I do feel slightly over whelmed about my future and what life will look like from here.