While we’re on the subject of fixing missions (Meridia), please fix Eradication missions, they’re the worst.

Until Meridia came out, Eradication missions, especially for the bots have been my absolute least favorite missions.

Meridia is unfun and broken because the objective is unclear, the drills are made of paper (unlike the survey missions), and the spawns are right on top of the drill. Simply put it’s not fun at all, currently.

Eradication suffers some of the same. Lore-wise, the missions don’t make any sense because 80% of the drops are heavies and crap to be killed with mainly stratagems anyway, so what’s the point of being there? At least the other missions have objectives, but here: nuke it and get on with it.

Game-wise it’s stupid. Not particularly hard to “complete”, just dumb and unfun. What’s the point? Bot and bug drops are right on top of you, there’s no base or objective to hold, and it’s just a stupid loop of: drop, throw stratagem, most likely die, repeat. The game of survival is to hide on a pillar, which is just dumb. The only fun I’ve had on Eradication is to try and intentionally get the traitor artillery to run around with basically free artillery support until you trip and die basically.

The rest is an entirely unfun check in the box to complete an operation