Removing Konior's mis-angled hairline via electroylsis


Konior mis-angled my entire hairline and transplanted it to 100FU (double the normal amount). I was unable to comb or style my hair for years, my friends laughed at it thinking I was wearing a wig, and I fucking hated it. You can read more about my experiences with the Kon man here.

How Konior angled my hairline


I finally removed 400-500 of the worst mis-angled grafts via electroylsis. The process took 5 sessions over 4 months.

Goodbye precious grafts :(


Short hair right side

Short hair left side.

As my electrologist worked from my right side we neglected the left side a bit and there are still more mis-angled grafts to remove from around the temples.


Before and After at similar hair length

Before and After at similar hair length

Close up of the hairline.

My electrologist said the removed graft sites look like tiny skin pores under magnification and I've never noticed any scarring myself. One session where we removed A LOT of grafts I did experience mild blistering, but that cleared up after 3 days or so.

My electrologist also created some irregularities along the hairline to fix Konior's shitty straight line design (the design is more wavy now).

Admittedly this has been an extremely emotional experience and after years of having this piece of shit stuck to my head I finally have some relief. While I still fucking hate the hairline (it is still mis-angled upwards and I've been forced to throw out hundreds of grafts and thousands of dollars just to get here), at least I have an improvement.

The front of the hairline still bothers me (we mainly focused on removing the temples) but I've noticed a hair straightener is now more effective in dealing with the mis-angled grafts as we've decreased the density.


Before these electroylsis sessions Konior claimed not to know what was wrong with my results, withheld medical information, refused to remove the hairline for more than a year before finally telling me to seek legal counsel. When asked for a response to my reddit review he told the mod I was mentally imbalanced. All this despite betting me his net worth my results would be natural.

So after these electrolysis sessions I sent Konior an email [personal patient information has been redacted];

"you bet your net worth my results would be natural. you failed even by your own standards. when are you going to pay up"

Konior replied:

You are always welcome to visit for a proper examination and civil discussion on whatever concerns you.  This has always been the case and continues to be.  You have chosen an alternative route of hostility and disparagement, which has been and continues to be counterproductive.  Regardless, I have no intention to beat the issue and welcome you openly should you want to discuss in person. 

"Dr Wong has examined your work and can verify the hairline was improperly angled. He recommended a scalp excision to repair the hairline. You failed to give me a natural result so pay up"

Dr. Wong is no judge ... I have nothing to offer you other than what I have in the past, which still holds.  Evil is no way to live a life.  I do hope you find peace some day.

[For those unaware Dr Wong pioneered the lateral slit technique which determines how hair should be angled which Konior himself advertises on his own website). Konior also admitted to mis-angling my hairline through a technique he called 'hybrid placement' which literally no other surgeon has ever heard of before ... even his own protege Dr Nadimi]

So I sent Konior the bill for my electrolysis sessions;

"Don't know what you are offering but you can start by paying for my electrolysis as well as refunding me for the botch job and paying for any repairs. You've already admitted to mis-angling my hairline via your "hybrid placement" technique so I dont know why you're denying it.

At least you made me laugh by saying that the guy who pioneered lateral slit can't judge angulation. But ultimately if your word holds any value ... you still owe me your net worth."

I will remain professional and hold my tongue.  Have a nice life.

"we both know you've never acted professional regarding my case so don't know what's stopping you now"

You a blatant liar.  Get an attorney and settle this like a man, if that is possible.  Hope to see you in court one day so that your delusions can be exposed.  

"Explain liar, And why did you prefix blatant in front of liar"

Get an attorney and we will settle this in a manly and professional way.  I welcome the opportunity to present your case in crystal clear detail.

"Real men don't need attorneys. They talk things out. You mis-angled my hairline. I've now removed maybe 400-500 of the worst mis-angled grafts and I can give you my electrologist's email to discuss things if you want. I will also be creating a thread about it on reddit. But I'd like to know how I am a "blatant liar" when you are the one that completely botched my results."

You've already done a Reddit post ... speak to a psychiatrist.

so rather than address any issues, discuss what happened for my surgery, or consider resolving things you instead go ad hominem ... And Im making a reddit post about removing your hairline via electrolysis as I get a lot of repair patients messaging me."

Get an attorney.  You are fake news.

"so you're saying my graft angulation is fine?"


As Konior lacks the integrity to provide an explanation of his work which he is required to do as a paying sponsor and elite member of HRN, please feel free to ask him yourself. My own review was immediately deleted with my account censored so I never got an answer. Although as Konior obsessively reads every comment made about himself online he is more than welcome to justify his surgical choices here.

All this from the surgeon that once wrote he was "three standard deviations to the right of the bell's peak" of this industry and couldn't be compared to anyone else. And despite my fucking absurd results stated this publicly

I believe natural is more important than density since one can have dense hair that looks unnatural, in which case the result is a failure. It is much better to have natural thinning hair that no one recognizes as looking surgical ...

Communication between the patient and the doctor is the key to assuring that the final result provides a look that the patient will be pleased with.

As Konior now charges $35k per surgery this makes Konior pound for pound the industry's biggest fraud.


I created this table below for those wanting to know how best to approach their hairline repairs.

Those that have the donor or can accept losing grafts electroylsis is your best option. If you can't spare the grafts however save what you can with surgery. A combination of both approaches might be ideal. Good luck.

Method: Surgical extraction Electrolysis
Approach and success rate: Saves grafts but with about a 80% success rate based upon surgeon's skills and the difficulty in removing the artifically angled hairs by the previous surgeon. As a consequence such grafts are more likely to be damaged during the extraction process. Should the extraction fail this only creates further scar tissue making it even harder to remove on subsequent attempts. Successful removals are best put back in the donor as the grafts are usually damaged after 2 extraction processes being bent or coarse. Kills grafts with a 93% success rate based on electrologist's skills. My electrologist used the thermolysis method where a needle is placed at the opening of the hair follicle and heat is applied. The wound is then cauterised with the graft plucked out. If the electrologist aim is bad the graft can be damaged or grow back. Loui on HLE also underwent electroylsis using the blend method with similar success.
Price Surgeons charge between 5-40 euros per graft. I know some surgeons that push such repairs due to financial motivations knowing it creates long term patients willing to pay extreme prices with low expectations. Overall I think I was charged about 0.5 euros per graft.
Required expertise and associated waitlist Elite surgeons only. Minimum wait time I've heard is 4 months, with the average about one year. Professional electrologists only (preferably a registered nurse). Avoid beauticians or HT Docs who don't know what they are doing. An experienced electrologist understands hairline design and angulation while mine had removed other failed transplants before as well as removed widows peaks and redesigned hairlines. Average wait time is 2 weeks.
Risks Same surgical risks as normal FUE, however a smaller sized punch is required (ideally 0.07mm with the wound sutured afterwards to prevent any white pigment scarring). A 5% chance of permanent redness can occur like with this Rahal patient and this Gabel patient. Some patients experience temporary redness and an ice pack is provided to minimise swelling or blistering. Results can vary according to skin type which is why it is best to attempt a small test session first. I had mild blistering only once which cleared up after 3 days.
Required hair length Shaving is required. This makes it harder to tell which hairs are mis-angled. Some clinics will trim the individual hairs to avoid complete shaving. Hair is required to be at least 2mm long, meaning you can keep hair at whatever length you want. This makes it easier to tell which hairs are mis-angled. For later sessions I brought in a comb and demonstrated how I was unable to comb my hair forwards, which was used to target the worst grafts.
Pain Surgery always carries with it a higher rate of complications, but should be painless. Mild pain due to the hairline area being a sensitive area. Numbing cream is suggested although I didn't use it.
Level of trauma and impact on future transplants Scarring can inhibit future transplants which is why the extractions should initially be placed well outside of the extraction site. This should be obvious just by looking at this punch out session by Bisanga Electroylsis is only a minor trauma compared to surgery
Number of sessions and overall length of the journey Surgeons typically say at least 2 surgeries due to the telogen phase of hair (10-15% of your hair is in a resting phase). However I've noticed this almost always extends to more seen by this Feriduni patient and this Mwamba patient who are both on 4 surgeries (despite being told less were required). For complicated cases It's best to assume the process will take years, thousands of dollars and involve multiple recovery periods. You can kill 100-200 grafts in an hour but should not remove hairs adjacent to one another as too much heat concentrated in one area can cause a dimpling effect. Results are immediate but you should wait a week between sessions for healing. Due to to the telogen phase of hair everything could potentially be removed within a 4 month period.