Why are people using the hotel?
Weird question, I were just thinking about it after seeing a notification from another user.
For the record I'm not judging anybody as I have played and spent money on origins..
I'm just curious what others feel, as adults... what is your reason for playing if you still do?
Like, is there any benefit to you? I thought about this because I questioned why I had been playing and when I take a step back and reflect I can't help but think I just spunked money on something that brings no value whatsoever to my life other than me now having the capital to fulfil my childlike urge to have been wealthy on habbo.
Its such a strange thing - I'm a deep thinker as you can probably tell if you've read to this point... I'm wondering what other people's reasons are just out of curiosity? And also, do you actually enjoy it?
I ponder whether I just felt like something in my life was lacking so I tried to fill it with Habbo.