I'm (34F) texting someone who is also + but he (33M) just admitted he usually doesn't disclose...

Title says it all, really. I have my status in my bios for dating apps and I initiate the discussion VERY early. Some may even argue too early. I was knowingly infected by someone who didn't disclose, so I'm having a huge issue moving past talking to someone who usually doesn't! If I wasn't so open about mine (or didn't have it) it's safe to say, by his own admission, that I'd never know he was +. Ethically and morally I don't think I can support people not disclosing; I can't imagine putting someone through what I went through by being deceived and not knowing what had happened to me. That said, he did disclose to me, and he isn't the person who infected me. Would you be able to see past it? Would you be willing to overlook this, knowing the lies by omission weren't used on YOU? Would you assume that habit carries over into other areas of their life? Help. TIA :)