How did you feel about sex after your diagnosis? specifically if you were diagnosed with Genital HSV 1 or 2

just looking to get some outside perspective from people who have had more time to cope with and understand their diagnosis.

I was diagnosed last month after contracting GHSV-1 from my first and only sexual partner. I have a post going into more detail on this but I am still in touch with him and went to see him in person recently. The second things got even a little bit sexual I was flooded with anxiety and it actually caused me to cry even though we hadnt done anything. He was super understanding so my feelings of anxiety and fear didnt come from him crossing my boundaries or anything

I guess im just worried that this whole experience has basically made me fear sex and anything related to it. I guess the fact that the one time I had intercourse it led to a lifelong diagnosis might have something to do with this fear.

just looking for support, any comments or sharing personal experience really helps, thanks guys.