Herpes is currently active or not

I am 22 female. I only smoke and drink occasionally. I have had a herpes outbreak when I was young but recently, I got no outbreaks. From the past six months i have been experiencing blistering on my lips, which then turns very dry, and it doesn't pain but it surely burns and itches. I have pictures for it so if anybody is interested in seeing those picture you can, DM me. I have been to five dermatologist till now and initially, they told me that it's herpes, but I always thought it's not because whenever I had her peace in my past, it developed a scab over it, but this time there was no scab formation, only blistering, and then dryness. Many of the dermatologist said that I have exfoliative chellitis or glandular chellitis. I've been on Reddit, and many people have told me that it looks like herpes, so l got my myself tested for it. I am putting up my report and in that IGg is high which surely means that I have herpes. But igm indicates if i have it right now or not. In my test its slightly increase so can anybody help me out in figuring it out.

Igg- defi. High Igm-0.14283 s/co