Roast My Budget / Want to Ax Travel & Trim Food
Title. Tell me what you think are the most ridiculous and reasonable expenses. ~12k take home after max Roth IRA and HSA and health insurance. 2 kids (5 & 2) with a SAHP.
Mortgage 2500/mo (includes $300/mo contribution to rental property for family member)
Food 2200/mo (~300/week grocery + ~750/mo other foodstuffs from Target/Amazon)
Travel 3000/mo (2-3 large trips each year + 2-3 other weekend trips, travel to see family out of state)
Dining Out / Entertainment 750/mo (150/wk + other activities, sports games, theater, etc)
Gifting 800/mo (holidays, birthdays, weddings, we have a big family and do a lot for all of them)
Kids 529 600/mo (300 each)
Kids Preschool & Activities 600/mo
Cable/Internet/Phone/Subscriptions 325/mo
Home Utilities 350/mo (gas, electric, trash, water)
Clothes/Shoes + Other Shopping 350/mo (this is 75% kids)
Babysitting 350/mo (3x monthly)
Housekeeping 300/mo (75 weekly it's a family member we support).
Automotive 250/mo (gas + insurance + reg maintenance, no payments)
Life insurance 200/mo (umbrella, term, small whole policy I inherited)
Out of pocket healthcare & pet 200/mo (haircuts, vitamin, meds)
Household Maintenance 200/mo (Lawn/Landscaping/Snow Removal)