Let's talk hopes and dreams in instanced PvE - What would be the best changes Anet could make to Instanced PvE content in your estimation?

Please feel free to add anything you think would be a good change, no matter how mundane or how unrealistic.

Personally, my top three would be:
- an update to the queue system, giving us an alternative to seeking Killproof.
- A way to access strikes and fractals from any map, when the commander enters a specific strike/fractal.
- A way to specify instanced PvE content from open world PvE content in the Wizard's Vault. PvP and WvW both seem more ''focused'' in the kinds of tasks you can get. I'd like to be able to narrow down those kinds of things for instanced PvE too.

If we get some fun debate out of this one, mabye I'll make posts like this for the other types of content in the game over the next couple days :D