I finally passed my NERC!
As the title says, I passed my RC exam!
Last year I failed horribly (I scored 72/120) and I thought it was the end of the world.
My second attempt was much more nerve wrecking since this was my last attempt that my company was willing to offer. However, the exam was quite better than last time. I felt a little more relaxed knowing what was coming and I was more prepared. I passed with 112/120.
Going back last year…After a week of grief, I went over the HSI study materials again. I also registered for a live coaching class because, why not? My company was giving me the last chance so I had to make sure to fully utilize it.
So what I studied after the failure was: going over HSI study materials again, trying to UNDERSTAND every questions rather than trying to solve/memorize, OES-NA question sets, making flashcards for timing requirements, HSI live coaching session, HSI Friday free live sessions
Plus if you can, please take advantage of having operator coworkers at work. Ask as many questions as you can and let them know you are trying to pass the exam. They have been in your situation before and will try to help you. Ask certain questions and why they approached questions certain ways and try to understand their approaches.
I have noticed that, although HSI was the most helpful, I would not have passed the exam memorizing their questions.
For example, a practice question may ask “what happens when voltage goes over the critical point?” then you will not memorize “voltage collapse”, rather you will have to understand that the question is asking about PV curve. Meaning, you will actually open up an EPRI book and study the PV curve section and understand that entire chapter.
Because the NERC exam may ask “what happens to the critical point when shunt is in service?”. Then I would hope you read the EPRI manual on the PV curve section.
Mind you, this exam is to pass, not to perfect. I just wanted to let you know that you can do this too, don’t lose the hope
Good luck to you all future exam takers, feel free to message me for help, and thank you for the ones who PMed me to help when I previously failed the exam!