Helicopter "Emergency Drop Off" and Item Deposit

It would be fantastic and extremely helpful if you could add a helicopter item pickup/drop-off feature in Gray Zone Warfare. The idea is to call in a helicopter at an LZ, which would lower a crate for you to load with a few items and to grab some preselected items from. These items would then be sent back to your base camp, where you could claim them from a message and add them to your stash. When at base, you can place items in an "Emergency Drop Off" to pre-load supplies (ammo, meds, provisions, armor) that you might need later. These pre-loaded supplies would be included in the crate on the helicopter for pickup.

For example, if you are running low on ammo and have acquired a mission item far from the base, you could call in the helicopter. It would arrive at the LZ, lower a crate, and you would have a set amount of time to load the mission item to be sent back to base while retrieving the pre-loaded emergency supplies. This way, you can continue your missions without needing to return to base.

Edit: This is NOT a priority, just a quality of life thing I think that could be added sometime in the future. Since the same people calling in helicopters would do this instead, a helicopter would only be used ⅓ the time (compared to someone calling a bird, getting on, riding back to base, calling another one and flying back) since the helicopter would just fly off the map since you were not getting on to it. This would free up the strain of helicopters being used as well as make it more similar to the real military where helicopters will drop supplies for troops if they are on a longer campaign.