If you’re struggling with your swing, then do this!

Golf is hard. I know. I mean sometimes it feels like Learning the mechanics of the golf swing is like if we drove a car backwards as the norm. It’s not comfortable at all. Heck, even if you do it a bunch, it never seems to feel right.

Well there in lays one of the two most common things I see in bad swings:

1) Over-swinging and as a result —> incorrect use of force and energy during the swing


2) inconsistent ball contact.

Basically you tried to run before you can walk; or drive backwards before you even knew how to turn the car on. What do I mean? See if this sounds familiar:

You see these players on YouTube, the range, etc and see them hitting it far. You hear, “175 to the pin, I’ll hit my 8 iron”. Or something along those lines. So now you think you need to hit the ball somewhere close to that, so what do you do? You tense up. Or you just try to hit that sucker hard. And sometimes, like once in a while, you actually get a hold of one…by accident. So now you’ve convinced yourself, and you’ve trained yourself, that this maximum effort swing, will yield X yardage. But on the course, you’re spraying the ball all over. You’re frequently short, or way long because you can’t control the distances. Does this sound about right?

Well, if you want to get better, then You need to reprogram this mindset. You need to rid yourself of ego and understand it doesn’t matter if you can hit your 9 iron 150 if you can’t keep it in play. Who cares if you smacked a drive 300, only to end up with triple bogey. You know what I’m about to say, and you’ll probably never get better until you accept that Golf, It’s about hitting it straight, and hitting the number. You do that by having a controlled, and comfortable swing.

The Half-Swing:

This is the fundamentals of the entire golf swing. In the video this is more of my 2/3 swing as I practice by building up to a full swing. You should start by stopping where my club position is at about 1.5 sec, or it parallel to the target line.

Think of it like a chip at first. You’re just trying to hit a pitching wedge like 25 yards. Then 40, and so on. Focus on the maintaining good balance, and feeling in control, NOT WILD with the shot.

Trust me, you’ll be amazed to find that you thinking 50-75 percent effort and backswing will yield you yardage you would sometimes reach at 100 effort. This should help you understand , it’s about efficient transfer of the club, and the importance of making good contact, not how “hard” you try to hit it.

So give it a try, and let me know how it goes.