Any one harvesting colostrum?
My GD doctor told me I need to harvest colostrum in case my LO gets low blood sugar after birth. Apparently is common practice where I live and since my hospital has the "Baby friendly" tag, I'm assuming it works wonders..
My midwife explained how to do it: the massage, the harvest, how to store it etc. But since I had a breast reduction several years ago, I wasn't expecting to get anything out of my boobs.
Well.. today, at 36+3 I began the colostrum harvesting and what do you know? A few drops came! I was in total disbelief and began to try and harvest what I could. Midwife said "every drop counts" and I took it literally. The syringe has something like a small drop 🥴 that's what I got from both breasts. I was so shocked that I could produce something, that even that small drop seems precious to me 💧
Is this normal or is it because of my breast reduction surgery? Will I produce more with time? I'm supposed to do this everyday until birth.
What are your experiences with colostrum harvesting? Did baby benefit from it?