Blood sugar testing for GD vs non-GD babies
I see the birth stories (keep them coming! they are some of my favorite posts) often mention blood sugar checks for baby. For the ladies who have had GD and non-GD pregnancies, did your baby have more blood sugar checks for the GD pregnancies or is the number of blood sugar checks standard?
I'm one of the weird in-betweeners that doesn't have an official GD diagnosis but can't hit target numbers without eating GD diet. Of course I don't want baby to be poked unnecessarily but also want to make sure he's monitored as needed. I think it's in my chart now that I have some kind of insulin resistance because I'm getting asked about my numbers at every visit but I don't know how that will translate in the hospital. Baby is also measuring on the shrimpy side at the moment so that's not really an alarm bell.