Sugars all over the place

Ugh I’m so done with this. 36 weeks. On the lowest dose of glyburide. Here’s my day today.

  • good fasting (85 I think)
  • breakfast and glyburide — 2 hours later, 91
  • 40 minutes later I start shaking — check again, 51 What?! It dropped 40 points in 40 minutes!!!
  • eat a high carb lunch — 2 hours later, 95
  • relax a little at dinner and let myself have some pizza — 2 hours later, 145

I’m just frustrated. I know dinner was my fault but I haven’t just relaxed and had a “normal” pizza dinner in over a month. But the whole day has just felt like this huge unpredictable roller coaster and I’m so over it. Any advice? Without the meds I was constantly spiking (while eating as directed). But with the meds (lowest dose), I keep having lows (and spikes - this wasn’t the first). Ugh.