
My OB assured me that it was 'incredibly rare' for blood sugar to get too low on glyburide. He wouldn't even tell me what numbers are too low when I asked. Luckily I had already researched glyburide on my own and my dietician also told me that glyburide in fact CAN cause blood sugar to go too low.

Today I took glyburide for the first time, 2.5mg in the morning with breakfast. I had an extra carby lunch, and a regular snack in the afternoon. By the late afternoon I started feeling shaky, hungry, and jittery. I tested my glucose and guess what? It was too low!!! (69, dietician said to treat anything lower than 70 as too low). I've been really careful with my diet, but my numbers have been creeping up, which is why I started taking the glyburide today. And now it looks like I'll have to add more carbs back in to keep my numbers within range. Which is sort of nice, but so confusing, and frustrating.

Has anyone here had a positive experience with glyburide? It feels like all the posts I've seen on this sub talk about it so negatively and it's made me so anxious to keep taking it, especially after today. But my numbers without it are too high.