Meeting people in Florida
Brief rundown; I’m a 20 year old female who has had the hardest time meeting people. I’ve lived in Florida my entire life (hate it here) and everyone is… Much older than I am. Making friends or dating is near impossible because at work or everywhere else I go, everyone is much older 50+. I’ve tried volunteering, just going out, and even taking classes at community centers, but still no luck. Whenever I do meet someone my own age, they are very unfriendly like they can’t be bothered to have a conversation. I do have two coworkers who I am friends with around my age, and they have even said it’s near impossible to meet people our age. For anyone in Florida, I’m located in the Palm Harbor/Trinity area for reference. Does anyone know where I can meet more people my age? I have a lot of hobbies and am pretty much down for anything that doesn’t involve ‘partying’ which seems to be popular where I am.