Burntrap Ending and PQ Ending are both canon! (repost)
i re-make my old post with PQ AND Burntrap is canon beacuse i missed few points plus it was a mess...sorry for english, and lets get into it! :) (credit u/OmegaX____ and u/Bonjonsie and IDFantisy)
-Vanny's grafitii:
everyone has seen graffiti with Vanny in Ruin, right? and we all know that Vannesa is Vanny, and if she is "free" why is her graffiti there? and no, I don't believe in that excuse "now Vanessa is using Vanny for good" or other nonsense, NO! The graffiti are EXACTLY like in SB and you can imagine that Vanessa would be traumatized after that, she would never use that costume again! plus in HW2 Vanny doesn't seem "nice" why? the way she look at player, and the way she leaves the player in that machine, like Ghlichtrap left her in HW1, and unsend voicelines in HW2 is unkown for who it is beacuse it's not a name. in her old hideout in Ruined Fazerblast in the vent there are graffiti with Freddy "bad bear" and etc, why would Vanny (who is Vannesa) be drawn like that if she "got Freddy's head"? and in a ruined office (from what I remember) it says "bestrayal!" obviously for Freddy! why would she write something like that? because Vanny is NOT freed! plus her mask is nowhere in Ruin like in the ending, it evaporated, did she take it with her? isn't that a little weird?
and that excuse with "VaNNy Is NoW hEr Own PeRsOnA" is just nonsense, Vanessa was controlled by Ghlichtrap or Vanny? Vanessa-twin theory is fake so it is very stupid. lets get GGY for a exmeple: we all know that Gregory was GGY/DR.Rabbit, right? he was more special, and before SB, he freed himself, thats mean Dr.Rabbit/GGY (who was Gregory) is now his own person? seriosly? like Freddy said in SB, Vanny is similar with VANESSA! Va from Vanessa and nny from Bunny so Vanessa was never freed from Ghlichtrap, especially since Ruin shows this (my friend u/Bonjonsie have more clear proofs, so check his profile and yt channel). plus Scott said he liked Vanny (and thats VANESSA!!) and she may return in a future game.
-Vanessa always had to hunt Gregory down: (credit u/Top_Lab_9647)
as we can see in the Trailer, Vanessa seems "good" and "helps" Gregory, but it is totally false, because both in the Trailer and in the game, Gregory runs away from Vanessa, and that voiceline with "Gregory, we gonna get out of here, you and me together!" is only for the Trailer, it's not in the unused voicelines. I know you're going to say "Vanessa has good vocal lines in the unused voice lines" yes it's true but I recommend you reread it...something doesn't add up, Vanessa doesn't talk directly to Gregory like Freddy does. but instead of explaining, I recommend watching this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuuzm4UXOO4&list=WL (minute 9:11) he explain more clear.
- Gregory's amnesia:
many say that Gregory, after GGY he has amnesia in SB... it seems true because he barely remembered his own name, and when he saw Vanessa for the first time, he spoke with fear "i don't know who she is, but she trying to get me!" in a unsend voiceline Gregory had to say "she trying to kill me!" plus he doesn't even know who Vanny is so he nicknames her "Dancing Rabbit Lady" when he first saw Vanny, in the Daycare he said "w-what was that?" if he knew Vanessa was Vanny, why did he say that? and let's not forget that he doesn't even know what Princess Quest is (again intro unused voiceline) "Princess Quest 3?" he asked so confused, and about missing children, it is possible to know 1 either from the newspaper in Bad Ending or 2 the people who were talking about it... but I lean towards the newspaper. he no longer recognizes the Pizzaplex no longer recognizes ANYTHING! and we know that in GGY he went to Pizzaplex all the time, maybe even lived there: "so...what is this place? where they come from? really?! i can go anywhere in atraction?"
and now that I think about it, Gregory didn't know that the animatronics are controlled and he "knows" that Vanessa is? like, what is this?!? Vanessa don't know who he is, and he don't know who Vanessa is either. in parts and service she said she found out Gregory's name by his Fazwatch "Gregory are you there, Gregory?".
-Prototype Freddy:
it's funny how people think Prototype Freddy is OUR Freddy there is a lot of evidence that disproves this and here is why: the wounds are not EXACTLY like in Bad Vanny ending and not even in the Halloween poster, the wounds are not the same (DM me if you want the pictures) the bracelets from Prorotype seem more punctured and our Freddy doesn't have anything like that, the green gift in the stomach doesn't seems to be a retcon...why would he have have with Monty themed gift box when in SB Freddy's colors are orange and blue? the legs are too big to be Freddy's, and the Prototype stamp is too clear to be "paint" and lets not forget that he is in a wrong pose...plus he is moving, and in the ending he don't. if really Freddy was Prototype, why didn't Steelwool add it in updates or in HW2? plus in the ruined Fazerblast there are things of technicians or mechanics, so it is possible that they bring him there, and in a new proof in VIP book someone (i forgot who) found Freddy's head, claws too sharp, none of the upgrades and who knows? it's possible that this Freddy destroyed Glamrock Bonnie (more proof here: https://www.reddit.com/r/fivenightsatfreddys/comments/15vnu2a/monty_didnt_attack_bonnie_freddy_did/ )
as a friend told me, Prototype Freddy has stuff in him that obviously isn't from Fazerblast, and I missed that stuff (thanks u/OmegaX____) plus lets not forget the fact that in Storyteller the protagonist (Edwin Muarry) found a yellow Glamrock Chica in trash, who knows? maybe is Foxy there too! because Kids/Pirates cove was Foxy's and cards with Foxy almost everywhere. and about Freddy in HW2 in trailer, Freddy seems evil...even in the main game when player (Cassie's father) takes Freddy's eyes, is two dots that looks lke eyes...plus that Freddy looks a little different from the Freddy we know, so it is possible that HE is Prototype Freddy, after all HW2 happend after Ruin so i guess make sense. and about Freddy's head, well is funny beacuse we know that his body was destroyed and in PQ we see head intact...how that happend? and I doubt that they repaired it because the head was also pretty badly destroyed just like the body so how that happend? well beacuse that DIDN'T happend! 😅
-animatronics it's still agresive:
i will make this short. no! animatronics are not controlled by MXES. MXES is made to kill or to keep The Mimic? and we see Prototype Freddy, Monty and Chica want to kill Cassie, but not Roxy beacuse...yeah her role is forced but thats not the point! MXES is a program, not a virus, and if someone says "well, they are traumatized because of Gregory! " well, that may be an idea, beacuse we can see Chica when she eats trash, she looks behind like in SB to not be pushed again, so it's can be a idea but they are agresive like in SB so...nuh-uh thats not work.
we see all animatronics is after Cassie (just like Gregory in SB but in Ruin, a bit more agresive) Monty jumps in top of Cassie to bite her, Chica...i don't understand her jumpscare, Roxy throw her on the floor to bite her and Prototype Freddy grabs her neck and put her with force in stomach hatch...why would MXES do that if it was made to keep the Mimic? it's a bit sus in my opinion and i think Ghlichtrap is still in Ruin (again, check the proofs on my friend u/Bonjonsie on his yt channel https://www.youtube.com/@BonJonsie )
-animatronics missing parts:
for PQ ending we need just 2 upgrades, Roxy's eyes and and Monty's claws, and in Ruin we see all ruined how? beacuse Gregory TOOK their parts! and single ending where we need is Burntrap ending. i know i know Chica's voicebox is in Ruin but SteelWool said it was a copy beacuse Gregory took her voicebox and we don't need for PQ ending.
if you get first Chica's Voicebox and eyes, the game automatclly gives you Monty's claws, even if you didn't destroyed Monty, yeah Gregory canonicly destroyed all 3 Glamrocks, for BURNTRAP ending! beacuse even PQ shows you need just two and in Ruin we see all 3 destroyed, so how this coming? Gregory risk his life just to destroy one more animatronic and after to go with a woman who hunt him for 6 hours and dosen't even know who she is? bruh!
-not Gregory played PQ:
not Gregory played PQ and this is confirmed by HW2 and from the messages in SB, as I said above, Gregory does NOT know what PQ is but Cassie's father does:
PQ1 Maint Log: There's is Princess Quest 1 Machine somewhere in the building. an actual standup arcade! i guess the devs pulled it from that old mobile game. why port to arcade?
PQ2 Maint Log: Princess Quest 2 - wont boop properly. no idea why! shuts down when i try to play? like it's personal. dosenen't matter anyway. i still haven't found PQ1.
Out Of Order: There is no record of a PQ3 arcade, yet there is a cabinet tucked away in Fazerblast. won't work thoug. sometimes i hear it in alttract mode, but i have never seen a single imagne displayed, too creepy. leave it where it is. at least until i play part 1 and 2.
RED FLAG: i did it! i did what you wanted! i beat parts 1 and 2. why won't you turn on? what else is there? tell me!
Arcade Conspiracy: they are working together. the arcades. they are hiding something. the ghliches. ghlich them all in the same time...then Princess will will recognize me. she's testing me. i am not yet worthy. the others are protecting it. let me stay! i am so close! just one more night. please! i can save the princess!
in the messages, Cassie's father was desperate to save the princess (Vanessa) plus there are messages with Ballon World too, so Cassie's father knew about everything... this explains why he can play PQ4. all arcades are conected. 1-4 and must be played in order by the SAME person! PQ1 ends with a crash, PQ2 with a small ghlich, and PQ3 with a error so thats mean, after Ruin and HW2, Cassie's father played PQ3 (but he failed). so it's possible that he found PQ3 because he suspected it was in Fazerblast, thats make sense.
only endings where Pizzaplex is getting destroyed is in Burntrap ending and in fire ending. in PQ ending Pizzaplex is still intact and we all know a earthquake happend, and where a earthquake happend? Burntrap ending (beacuse of Blob/Tangle). Blob made a earthquake when he took Mimic/Burntrap by the neck while Freddy and Gregory runs together. i know Pizzaplex was close a week beacuse some issuses, but i think in PQ ending, Pizzaplex wasen't "destroyed" after that short time, right? so thats mean kids would come back after a week, and seeing their favorite animatronic destroyed...it would be tragic... :(
and a small bonus: Gregory seems still underground, beacuse in elevator in Ruin he say down here rather than "down there" plus how he know that Cassie is there? i know he said "i'm not in the Pizzaplex!" but thats kinda not true in my opinion...plus his voices can be heared when Cassie wears the mask...and no, i don't think it's Mimic beacuse why would he help her for real? thats not ok...Mimic dosen't help Cassie for real, for exemple when Cassie asked what security nodes is, he said very vag: "security nodes! find them and turn all off!" and after he end the conversation, letting Cassie confuse, and here is "ghost Gregory" voicelines (mask only):
"I'm here."
"Don't be scared."
"The door is open. Look in the camera. The door is open."
"Look! Look! That camera's now activated. That camera is the way forward."
"Find the symbol! Look! Keep looking!"
"Find the generator. Find it."
"Turn on the lights. Hurry!"
"He hates it. Hates the light. The daycare attendant hates the light."
"Good! Now find the other generator. Find it."
"There! You did it! Look, he's stuck! He's stuck! Go, go, go! Hurry! Go fix him! Repair him! Use your Fazwrench! Go!"
"Keep going. Save me."
"You're going the right way."
"I'm under the raceway. You're going the right way. Over there."
"Cassie. Cassie. Cassie is that you? Cassie. Cassie. Cassie. Is that you?"
Gregory and REAL Freddy are somewhere in Ruin, i think thats make sense how he knew Cassie was there, right? if it wasn't like that, then how did he know that Cassie was going there? did he see her through the window and was he too lazy to warn her? especially at night when everyone sleeping.
Burntrap rooms (again credit: u/Bonjonsie)
in Ruin, Burntrap's room is intact, yes but something seems odd...in SB the floor wasen't burned and the charging station had a blue power supply on top, plus Burntrap's claws mark...something is wrong here...and we know that Vanny is/was in the Pizzaplex before Cassie...so it's possible that she fixed the elevator but also Burntrap's room, she being still loyal to Ghlichtrap, so it makes sense why, i mean all Pizzaplex destroyed but not Burntrap rooms? the elevator where lead underground is a bit diffrent than in SB and gates are open...to thats make sense, right? Vanny is short so? plus the rooms are more cleaned.
since 2022 until 2023 (until Ruin to be exact) in the files was "Burntrap-true ending" and now with Ruin, everyone says it was deleted and is only on "Switch Port (Nitendo)" but I don't really think it's true because I heard that only Princess-Cassidy was changed in "Princess" and even if it's true, it's still true ending in files, even on Nitendo so thats not change almost anything. plus the original soundtrack from Burntrap ending is called happy/TRUE ending!! and if PQ was canon, then why they didn't add "true ending" there? i know is pointless but would have added to the "evidence" about "PQ is canon" in my opinon.
-not Gregory made MXES:
in the interview with SteelWool, the employee (I forgot the name) said that the MXES machine is from the 90s, so it is possible that the MXES and the machine are very old but upgraded, I know that Gregory's backpack is there but that does not prove that he or Vanessa made. yeah he know about MXES but Freddy may have been told him, he was down there after all. and as i saw in a ending in HW2 DLC, a van takes the MXES to the ruined Pizzaplex, so it is possible for someone gave upgrade to the MXES and then take it to the Ruined Pizzaplex.
Vanessa and Gregory wouldn't stand a chance against the Mimic beacuse Gregory is still a child, Freddy was just a head and Vanessa of course with trauma's...so you have a child, a woman and a head...how they could defeat a 7tf robot that knows how to imitate actions and voices with sharp claws? just with a walkie talkie and some concrete? concrete is take time to dry and during this time, Mimic could escape very easily...so what power they have to do this? and about "turn off" then i don't think that they could do that too, because in the books when the employees gave the Mimic legs, the Mimic killed them one by one and Mimic can't be turn on by himself. so in theory, MXES was already in the 90s but it was upgraded by someone... I don't know who because I haven't watched the HW2 DLC but if I do, I'll let you know. :)
Gregory's drawings:
I see many saying "Gregory's drawings show that all endings are fake, but not PQ" well...yes...but each of the drawings has 2 pages and it seems that he draws what he saw, he saw Vanny, he drew her, he saw Freddy, he drew him... and how me watching IDFantisy I found out something interesting... we all know that Gregory was controlled, so he had a chip in his brain (like Cassie and Vannesa) Cassie could see portals, Helpi and stuff that isn't real, Vanessa...possibly the same and so could Gregory...what if he experienced all these endings? it seems more logical because why would he imagine such endings? and the drawing with Burntrap seems too strange...we know that Blob (I like Blob more than Tangle) is in Ruin and Mimic is Burntrap...how can he draw this if he "didn't" see it? i know Scott said "Burntrap never supposed to move" which is kinda fake honestly because in the trailer we see his arm, plus in the books it says that Vanny went down there to make Mimic a suit with what was left from Sprintrap (William) and a girl named Kelly disguised in a dog suit, and Mimic literally entered her and her flesh stayed on him...making him Burntrap, plus her grafitii is down there, a bed, pizza boxes showing that she was there...plus even Freddy said "she brought me here...i found myself for the first time when i cleaned the path...". Scott didn't want to say what Burntrap's real intention was... possibly like a boss fight but different.
some people say "Vanessa is now Gregory's mother" yeah? well why did he imagine? "hmmm how would it be to imagine an ending where I destroy my own mother/Vanessa being Vanny? with Staffbots and pushed from the roof of the Pizzaplex into the fire???" like wth! why would he imagine that? i know kids have imagination but really? if he knew Vanny was Vanessa, then why would he imagine her dead? why would he imagine driving a van as a child/minor? why would he imagine that Vanny (aka Vanessa) kills him in an alley while he sleeps? we all imagined things but not like this! if he drew all these things, it means he experienced them! and drawing with PQ is not because, as I mentioned above, he does NOT know what PQ is! I recommend you to watch IDFantisy's video to understand everything: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofxnljLO-Mg&list=LL&index=3&t=1s (and yt short: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXW0PNm3Twk&list=LL&index=2 )
-brazil ending:
well, I don't really have anything to say about Brazil Ending since it's a fake ending! but a weird fake ending in my opinion, Gregory moves and smiles a bit weird (beacuse is Ghlichtrap) Vanessa over there is not even move, and instead of Freddy's head, is Helpy...what's weird about the ending is Vanessa...if you look closely, her eyes are red, she's not even smiling or anything and she almost breaks that ice cream, and if you think is beacuse of the hair, no is not... my friend u/Bonjonsie theory, is that Brazil ending shows Ghlichtrap's victims, Helpy, Vanessa (Vanny) and Gregory/GGY, and trying to lure Cassie in his world, so he showed her a vision where Gregory, Vanessa and Helpy are "happy" and want Cassie to join them. something like "come on Cassie! we waiting for you here! :D".
-Gregory's friend:
many people say that "Vanessa" is Gregory's friend in Ruin beacuse of translate in files...but you know what's wrong? Vanessa is NOT with him, and she is no longer a security guard...remember Gregory said "my friend has ACCESS! to the building maps" he didn't said he have a map, he said he have ACCESES! and how Vanessa is no longer a security guard, who have acceses and being Gregory's friend? FREDDY!! the translation can be wrong again like happend in SB, and don't forget that Scott loves telling a story with little clues dotted around the games, so. i know he said he got more involved in Ruin...but how much? I doubt that Scott told SteelWool ENTIRE story because he told them very little for SB so why for Ruin and not for SB? my theory is that, yes, he told them, but he didn't tell them 100%, so again, it's possible that the translation is wrong again.
plus if you play the sound at low speed, you will hear an "s" at the end of the static "just follow *static*'s instructions!" Vanessa's instructions don't too good, plus if it was Vanessa, why she didn't talk with Cassie herself? exemple: "ok Cassie, listen here, I will lead you to the nearest elevator!" i know they didn't had time but still. Freddy's instructions sound more original and more correct, Gregory had alredy all the maps on Fazwatch so i think he leaded Cassie with the maps that FREDDY sented to him on Fazwatch! he always did this on SB so thats make sense. :)
anyway that was all! i know maybe i still missed few points but if i did...just tell me! more proofs and credits at: u/OmegaX____ and u/Bonjonsie! i know the post was SOOOO long but if you spend a whole year looking for such evidence and the logic is obvious, isn't it? anyway if i find more proofs, i will post here or ask my friends for this, i hope the proofs are good enough and see ya next time! *kisses* ❤️
edit: sorry for bad english 😅