Do I even like Godzilla movies?

Hi there, up until recently the only Godzilla movies I've ever watched were the american ones from 1998 and 2014. I think I kinda liked the 1998 one at the time. I was very young and the big dinosaur stomping the city was cool. I think I've rewatched it at least once but it didn't really left an impression on me.

2014 left me kinda underwhelmed. It's not that I completely disliked it but I think I was expecting something more, or at least something different. I don't remember much of that movie either, just my disappointment.

A few years back a friend who is a huge fan of Godzilla kept pestering me, saying that as much as I didn't enjoy those movies, I should still give Shin Godzilla a chance. And oh my god was he right. I finally got around to watch that movie and I really liked it, it felt fresh and original. Godzilla was absolutely scary and horrific.

After watching it I decided to give some other Godzilla movies a try, starting with minus one.

And once again, I had the same feeling as I did for 1998 and 2014. Kinda like, eh, I don't see the appeal at all. To me it feels like that the plot about the people feel underbaked, it never really hits for me, and I don't see it meshing that well with the "Godzilla part" of these Godzilla movies. While Shin totally nailed this aspect.

I'd still like to give Godzilla a chance, since I like the overall concept and the themes those movies are trying to tackle, even if in my eyes they more often than not fall short on their goal.

Considering all this, is there any Godzilla stuff I might end up liking? I also usally enjoy cheesy old stuff, so those kind of movies are not off the table. I just don't like when movies feel like over pretentious, presenting some theme and the movie as a whole like they are explaining some really important shit (which, in general, they are, the themes are not my problem) but ultimately feel like half assed. This is all imo, I'm not saying that those movies are "objectively bad", everyone is entitled to their opinion.

If you have suggestions that are not Godzilla related it's totally fine too! For example I somewhat think that District 9 kinda hit some of the same spots as Shin Godzilla. Arrival too is somewhat similar, I guess.

I could probably describe what I'm looking for as movies set in the real world with a scifi twist added to it, with also an healthy dose of social commentary.