Abbie The Clinger
A starts to work his job as a conductor on a train, making sure everything is in check and wanting to get the first shift done before taking a driver shift later. Abbie knows the train he's on and quickly dashes to the nearest station to see him, boarding on and clinging to A as soon as he board on. A doesn't mind it much and begins walking with Abbie car to car to check tickets and transit cards and kick off or fine fare evaders. All while he's checking, Abbie clings to him for dear life, as if he doesn't wanna lose his best friend.
A starts to work his job as a conductor on a train, making sure everything is in check and wanting to get the first shift done before taking a driver shift later. Abbie knows the train he's on and quickly dashes to the nearest station to see him, boarding on and clinging to A as soon as he board on. A doesn't mind it much and begins walking with Abbie car to car to check tickets and transit cards and kick off or fine fare evaders. All while he's checking, Abbie clings to him for dear life, as if he doesn't wanna lose his best friend.