Same qty of protein, different results

*This is not about muscleblaze gain or physique. I get it, genetics have control over muscle building. But how come that me and my roommate, both eat identical diets, same amount of protein, and mostly same meals (mess ka khaana + food we cook hostel mein), hit around 130-140g of protein and still have very different reaction on skin?

Been 2 weeks since we started cooking and completing 130g+ protein. My skin has improved A LOT. Got couple of compliments as well but my roommate is dealing w a ton of face pimples and acne. Both of us, live, eat,move almost same. We're both 18, I'm 5'11, he's 6'0 Whey and creatine is all we take. Same brand (Nakpro)

Any idea how this works? And how to get rid of face acne? Note : We already have decent amount of fiber in our diet