Ultimate CYL Data Spread Sheet
You may or may not know that I play around a lot with spread sheets, including a record of all the CYL data. Well, my spreadsheet has improved significantly since the last time I advertised it here. If you want to measure any of the data from CYL to compare or contrast anything, then this is the place to go. You can sort the sheet by year, focus on specific games, look at only units who are in Heroes or are missing from Heroes. Sort by how many alts they have in the game, or by gender, or whether they're a playable character or an NPC. Pretty much everything except hair colour. And, best of all, you can actively sort through this in real time online without downloading or copying anything. But, that's not all, on the second tab of the page you can see this.
A direct character comparer. Ever wonder who is more popular between Arthur, Artur and Arthur? Well, no need to tediously go through wiki pages looking at their results, just pop up any names you want in the boxes on this sheet and their results will pop up right beside each other. You also get a lovely colour coded graph to directly vizualize what the numbers look like.
I have two links, this first one is for the live version. If all goes according to plan you should be able to edit the drop down menus without no issue.
However, if there is an issue, such as if someone petty vandalizes the above sheet, or if someone else is using it and you don't want to bother them, here is an alternate sheet that cannot be edited online, but you can go to File->Make a Copy to get a freely editable version.
I had to manually put in every result for every year of the contest, I have thoroughly checked for errors but it is possible some still exist, so if you notice anything wrong do tell me.