Screw it, we ball +10'd base F!Robin in 2024 AMA
Decided to cave a few days ago to building a unit with the fodder I have since, I'll be honest: I have a brutal fear of using fodder. (I never know what'll come next so I'm always thinking "What if I need this unit?")
That being said, I've always had a soft spot for F!Robin and since I had the gear and was bored with my current Grail projects I said, why not.
I gave her frankly an abhorrent amount of stuff that isn't even all covered here, but I've reduced it all to these four builds you see here.
The omnitank build - Hardly creative but it works so I'll take it really. She's never the best at it but her unique stat spread makes her a pretty good user of Laguz Friend. Better Arcane weapon would be appreciated though.
The AOE nuke build - Ditching her surprisingly good defense and res, when a little more killing power is needed, while utilizing her again shockingly high base HP (gen 1 stat spreads lmaoo) for Infantry Pulse, supporting the team and herself quite well.
The traditional nuke build - Not much to say here. Opted for Firestorm Boost here for the mixed phase potential, also has Atk/Spd Finish in case I want a little sustain. Ploys help hit a little harder too.
The support build - When Robin isn't cutting it, I slap this on and she becomes a decent support bot. Ditching most of her combat power for support helps when I pair her with other mages or dragons, hell sometimes physical units since Ploy targets Defense too.
Any suggestions and comments on any builds are appreciated !!